Join Ashwell Flowers and Floral Designer
Suzanne Humbert
for your Flowers.
Introducing Ashwell Flowers
Mother’s Day Gifts
Ashwell Flowers is an artisan flower grower on the north Herts border with Cambs and Beds. We'll be growing, supporting and promoting British flowers and supplying our own seasonal flowers between April and October (and just a few for Mother's Day and Easter). Additionally we'll be working with the best local professionals to bring you beautiful floral work under the 'Ashwell Flowers Hosts ...' banner throughout the year.
This Mother's Day and Easter, Ashwell Flowers is Hosting ..... Ashwell based Floral Designer Suzanne Humbert to deliver some beautiful gifts to your door - we hope you'll enjoy the selection we have for you.
Barbara Lohoar
Ashwell Flower Farm

We've got something a little different for you for Mother’s Day on Sunday 14th March - something to keep and reuse - beautiful British flowers, carefully arranged in a reusable bulb bowl (see below for reuse example), AND your arrangement can be transformed in three weeks’ time for an Easter display.
We’ve also made simple DIY options for you to get creative or get the children involved - making a gift for you, your family or special friends over the coming weeks.
Ready-made Mother's Day
'Floral Field ' £40
A ready-made ‘Floral Field’ of seasonal British Spring flowers in a palette of pinks, whites, and blues.
Created with Norfolk moss, your ‘Field’ of fresh Ashwell and Lincolnshire grown flowers and foliage, are artfully arranged to bring a burst of Spring into your home together with the wonderful scent of British blooms.
After use, you can de-construct the arrangement and reuse your container as a bulb bowl or transform it into an Easter Nest 3 weeks later (see here for details).
DIY Mother’s Day ‘Floral Field’ Kit £35
Do-it-yourself or let your children/grandchildren* create a ‘Floral Field’ – we’ll provide all that’s needed including easy to follow instructions. A perfect Mother’s Day gift for adults and children alike to either make ‘in secret’ or as a gift which can be enjoyed by making together. Little makers and helpers could be encouraged to name the flowers whilst creating their gift. Your flowers and foliage will be delivered in water to keep them fresh - we'll collect the floral bucket from you at a later date.
*Small children will need supervising by an adult as it does involve cutting stems and there are glass jam jars in the kit.

Beautiful Mother's Day Bouquet inc. vase £30
A beautiful Spring bouquet available for delivery on Friday 12th, Saturday 13th and Sunday 14th March.
Your flowers will be a palette of pinks, whites and blues. Do note however, we only use British flowers and foliage (#GrownNotFlown) and therefore the exact flowers and foliage may be slightly different from the picture - but they will still be in the same palette and be gorgeous!
Your flowers will be delivered in a vase - for you or your recipient to keep. They will also be carefully packaged in a box for giving - if you don't need the box just let us know in the comments field when you order.
Sorry - sold out

'Transform my ‘Floral Field’ to an Easter ‘Nest’ for me' £30
Three weeks after Mother's Day why not transform your 'Floral Field' into an 'Easter Nest' - complete with a little nest of eggs! We can transform it for you or DIY (see below). If you’d like us to do the transformation , just return your Mother’s Day 'Floral Field' to us on Friday 26th or Saturday 27th March and we’ll deliver your Easter Nest back to you on Wednesday 31st March. We’ll email you the details of where to return your Field if you select this option.
DIY ‘Floral Field’ to Nest Transformation Kit £25
Think you'd enjoy transforming your 'Field' into a beautiful 'Nest' for Easter? Order the DIY Transformation Kit and we'll deliver it on Wednesday 31st March (the Wednesday before Easter). You'll receive all that's needed including beautiful flowers and foliage in an Easter palette of yellows, oranges and whites, additional moss and even materials to make a cute nest with speckled eggs - a lovely, fun finishing touch.
If you’re giving this as an additional gift with your Mother’s Day ‘Floral Field’ let us know in the comments field and we can email you an ‘Easter Transformation’ voucher which you can print out to give on Mother’s Day.

Recycle and reuse ...
All the contents of your Mother's Day Floral Field and Easter Nest can be recycled or reused.
The jam jars can be reused - maybe even for making jam (!) - or pop them into your recycling; the flowers and foliage can be composted and your bulb bowl can be used for planting - if you have some bulbs coming up in the garden why not dig them up when they're in bud and use the moss to make another arrangement for your home.